Tuesday, 22 April 2014

DIY | Bleached Pop Art Shorts

DIY Pop Art Shorts!

I came across this video for bleached and Spray Painted Black denim shorts! 
I absolutely love this concept and its so easy!!

Its guaranteed to get people asking 'where did you get those shorts!' 

I love when people ask where i got a certain item of clothing from because I can then reply a little smugly that I made it.

If you are into DIY clothing, give this video a looking at!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Paper shade lighting - Return to College

Return to College.
So today was my first day back at college after a 2 week holiday. I cant say i was looking forward to it as we have an extremly busy few months ahead of us.
We have what is called a Graded Unit project which is the end of year project which we will be marked on to determine if we have passed or failed the course. We have to incorporate everything we have learned over the past year into this final project. I seen the HND class last year go through the stresses of it and it did not lok enjoyable. So I have all that to look forward to!
As of just now though we are to design an exhibition around the designer Phillipe Starck. Showcasing his designs through what ever theme we decide.
The one thing I love about my department is that there are different classes that use the classrooms. There is work from different classes spread over tables and walls which gives me inspiration and an insight into how others design.
For example, I came into class today and found lamp shades which were design by the HND Interior Designers.
I would actually hang this in my bedroom!
Interior Design is not about deciding what kind of decorative wall paper to hang ( I get so wound up when people say this to me) Its about design. And even in class we dont just design spaces, we design objects.
These could be sold on Etsy huh!
Anyone can make these! Its just having the imagination to design one thats the key!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

New denim

     So my daily scroll through ebay resulted in a purchase 
     of another men's denim jacket. This time it claims to 
     be D&G but I'm a bit dubious. I've checked the cleaning 
     labels which says differently to D&G but I'm not a high
     fashion expert. Anyway I didn't buy it for the label! 
     Only cost me £10 including post so I'm not complaining.  

        What I love about this jacket is that it has a zip! 
        The denim isn't to rough either it's quite soft so
        I won't be ripping this jacket

      I'm thinking about dying this jacket a variety of colours 
      and possibly attaching an image to the back.

     I saw an amazing jacket on Pinterest which had an
     image of Barbie on the back. It was attached with 
     safety pins and looked so retro and rock n roll!

     Can't wait to get started on this!

      Chloe V

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Sketchbook work

My college course requires me to complete a unique sketchbook every time we are assigned a new project brief. It's the most creative way to convey your thinking throughout every stage of the design process. I love the whole process of creating a sketch book but at some point I hit a brick wall and I run out of creative juices to make my sketchbook look amazing!!!
All I can say is thank god for Pinterest to help with this sudden hault!! It's honestly the best and most visited resource I have for finding inspiration.  
Below are some examples of my sketchbook work and some from other students in my year. 

I'm really proud if this page. I used an ink pen and quickly sketched around an A4 page attached to an A3 page in the style of a Forrest and mountain landscape. I've uploaded to this image Pinterest and had a lot if unexpected repins and likes on it.

Monday, 7 April 2014

10 things about me!

Ive been inspired to write this post after noticing my fellow blogger Staci Hattan write a blog on 10 Things about herself. Ive known Staci a long time but as we grow older we tend to lose contact with old friends and unfortunatly Staci was one of those friends, so it was interesting to see how far she has come since we were teenagers.

I think some simple facts about ones self can give a really good insight as to who that person is. So here is an insight into me.

1. Was born in October 1989 at Dunfermline Hospital in Fife, Scotland.
2. I Study Interior Design at HNC level and will be attending Dundee Art college to Study for a Degree.
3. I emigrated to Australia in 2008 with my family but came back to Scotland for personal reasons.
4. I regularly change the decor in my flat (much to the annoyance of my boyfriend)
5. I work in the Mens formal wear department at Debehams.
6. The Only Way is Essex is my guilty pleasure while Homeland is my Must Watch!
7. I have an unhealthy knowledge of The Simpsons due to my avid watching as a kid.
8. I have never had short hair!
9. Im a pescetarian which means the only meat I eat is fish.
10. My pet name is Moosh

I could go on! But il leave that for another blog post.

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Sunday, 6 April 2014

Levi's denim jacket - Punk style

Yesterday I got started on a new project which I'm feeling very passionate about. I'm getting accustomed to shopping in charity shops rather than high street fashion chains. I found a men's Levi's denim jacket in cancer research for £10 last week and got to work in it immediately, well I tried to...

As you can see it was already bleached. Obviously someone decided to go all Jackson Pollock on the jacket, so I tried to bleach it all over. But that failed. So  I have decided to keep it the way it is as a method of experimentation.

I'm currently on a bit of an away break at a lovely cottage away from all civilisation which is a brilliant opportunity to get stuck into this modification project.

I bought 5 packs of safety pins from pound land so armed with these I started to rip and tear. 

Fraying the denim sleeve took a while. It takes a lot if concentration and asbestos hands holding your hand in the same position for hours on end becomes painful! I worked on the upper sleeve attaching safety pins. 

Today's end product looked like this. I think I'm going for the punk look with this one. It's going to be very summery as there will be large holes caused by fraying. I'd love to attach see on patches of punk and rock bands and attach studs and spikes. 

I love seeing a project slowly coming together it paints a bigger picture of the outcome!

Chloe V

What would you like to do?

I am the jealous type, and I am not ashamed of it. But not in the way you think.

I am 24 years old and about to take the next big step in my life and attend University. A bit later in life you might think, but this is due to me fulfilling the work for money philosophy previously. A few years ago I gave up my boring administrative full time job to go back into full time education. Luckily for me my tutor saw my progress in college and my dedication to projects and submitted my name for a chance to attend University earlier than thought. I got in!!!

I study Interior Design and will be attending Dundee University to complete a degree in Interior Environmental Design. Being within the circle of design I come across photos, blogs, events etc all of which I am in awe of. I also love looking at beauty blogs as making yourself look beautiful is an art, lets be honest!

I am very jealous of these works of art. I am especially jealous of people who sell their beautiful creations on market stalls or sell a piece of art work at an exhibition. Everyone who is creative wants to do it!

I have found myself modifying my clothes over the years and occasionally do work on my sewing machine to create things from scratch. I love to Tear up, bleach, fray, modify clothing to make it my own, one of a kind.

Im hoping to show as much of what I create on this blog and where it will take me.